I reached a conclusion:
Werner thoughts about this material ETFT was right, It protect effectively ONLY the wind, rain and self
cleaning for snow. in addition to quite good temperature isolation but not enough -
4-layer-system (the one I will use) - R-value = 3.9 F0 Btu/h ft2
Its R value all depends on the number of layers I use, the more layers the more it cost. I will use four
layers as suggested by Foiltec, however. Although it provides good isolation,
It only provides the intermediate temperature zone. that is comfortable to walk in and do other activities
that doesn't need staying and focus or work for long hours wearing indoor cloth.
I must start immediately develop what I already started of having the enclosed studio spaces under this
big umbrella, organize them and develop their system of heating and cooling separately to reach the comfort zone of temperature needed for students who work hard in their All-green studio spaces.
Thermo Research Closed. Architecture Restart.

How do you plan on enclosing the studio work spaces? Will they be deisgned in a manner where they can open up to the forest? I loved your idea of being able to work in studio in the forest. Is there a way this can be accomplished during the months that the temp. allows and then the studio spaces can be closed in during the harsher weather? This research is great. I can't wait to see how it reflects in your design.
I’m glad you did all this research. I’m a bit shaky in this area myself and would like you to ask Gerry (IvesArch@Verizon.net ) for some additional support.
I like the idea of creating with your “bubble” a tempered climate, where one could almost be comfortable without heating or cooling, like in Greece or Southern Italy.
For your design to work you would need a heat-trapping structure in the winter and a heat-reflecting structure in the summer. I was under the impression that the inflatable pillows could do just that; depending on the curvature of the “lens” created by the pressure inside the pillow, the rays would be transmitted or refracted. More than only the insulation value of the assembly, the question than would be of the transmission of visible and infrared light.
Keep in mind, a good window has a R-value of +/- 2.8, Massachusetts State Building Code is requiring single family homes to have R13 in walls, R30 in roofs. With all that insulation we still need to heat and cool a lot in this climate.
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