Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Longitudinal section B-B Through the platinium Slinky!

South facade Solar light study Diagram

sustainable techniques
Solar Study for light going through the brise-soleil associated with the form solution of the south facade providing maximum solar lighting for dorms and indirect difused light for study areas , classrooms.

The study above using the solar position calculator of the solar radiation Monitoring laborartory, University of Oregon to calculate the Zenith angle,
http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SolarPositionCalculator.html Applying Boston Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours Latitude: 42° 19' North and Longitude: 71° 05' West
December for winter, August for summer and April for spring and October for Autumn.
The south Mass has solar heat capture system on the south side powered by solar energy, which also used to power the ventilation in the classrooms, dorms and Studio spaces. Radiating Suspended ceiling that includes phase change material that can store heat at off-peak rates, and ceiling fans that raise comfort range by a couple of degrees in summer. cool air is produced by a combination of 80% conventioal sources using heat pump and 20% solar energy using an absorber cooler pwered by 100 meter square of vacuum solar panelsset on the sungarden tower on top of the south mass.still working on Diagrams for this and details from precedents who used the same solar capture system proposed, and still working on the diagrams showing the natural ventilation per Gerry's kind comments.

Why Mediterranean trees inside the bubble? and Native trees on site?

The rough temprature study above shows the average tempratures for both Boston (site location and the medittranean sea region (specifically the northeren medditranean.

we will find that the intermediate zone that the ETFT would succed to provide in summer is to keep temprature 25-35 c and in winter 5-15 c. The medittranean climate above is the closest climate to this intermediate zone, accordinatly the plants, trees specis of medittranean would survive more succesfully in that intermediate zone.

Native plants will be used in the site out side the bubble.The new BAC provide a more comportable experience than out side the bubble.

If the weather conditions outside the bubble was good enough for the students and the plants as intermediate zone then why the bubble?

I Know I didn't post my final code analysis yet. I am quite sure my Egress, travel distance work well. I am planing to answer all the questions the final code analysis provide. I realize and imminsely appreciate the code analysis and how it helps in plans, I am having a deep look at the Energy Conservation international code and i applied it on my building, I have found a very good match between the R and U values of the Foiltec and the glazing i use and the required range in Boston Area 12A and i had a deep look at ICC performance code for buildings and facility, I am struggling and having a hard time putting these date together. What i should do?
I printed out the 6 great cohort code analysis and studied all of them carefully so i can create the cohort's 7th code analysis, but still couldnt get it, every one do it in diffrent good way! I see Matt and David drew a very intersting and clear plans for Egres, I am planning to do one for my building as well, but how every one put the data in a written way altogether in one sheet? schedule? This is tottaly new challange for me. by the end of the week I would love to learn this. I wish i put it all together last week. and I regret that i didnt.
After i am done with the final touches in site plan and plans i will put all together the code analysis and not just the fire study.
I am still working on 3d Studio Max and hopefully tonight I will post some.
Many Thanks

1 comment:

werner said...

nice research and justification for Mediterranean trees is compelling.